Thursday, July 26, 2012

My 9-Month Prior Wrestlemania XXIX Dream Card

I said I'd continue this series every month, but I ended up taking a few month hiatus due to the combination of life sucking up all my muse, and YouTube and TWitWoW being sufficient vents for what muse was left.  It's time for a throwback, though: The Return of the Wrestlemania Dream Card series.  With CM Punk's recent heel turn, my mind has gotten a solid shot of adrenaline in the muse department and I'm going over multiple scenarios in my head regarding what WM29 can be.  We're talking about a card that would live up to its 10-year anniversary show: WM19, arguably the greatest Wrestlemania in history.  Make note that this card is only taking into account what we KNOW can happen, and not assuming anybody debuting that we don't know about for sure.  Unfortunately...that translates into no Dean Ambrose.  I hope the WWE changes this card by debuting him, but they haven't yet, so obviously no promises can be made.