The title of this topic is a direct quote from my twitter from last night. I really enjoy tweeting during Monday Night Raw and PPVs (basically any live televised wrestling show) because it feels a lot more engaging than just watching and talking about what happened after it's all over. If you have a twitter, follow me, tell me who you are, and I'll gladly follow you back so we can live tweet during Raw in the coming weeks!
My Twitter: @aPond404
That being said, something has really been urking me that I feel like I need to get off my chest, and it is regarding Triple H. It isn't EXCLUSIVELY about Triple H, but it's got to do with a really just plain unprofessional act that he seems to have originated that has been picked up and abused since he started doing it, almost to the point that it is now not seen as terribly unprofessional as it really is. What am I talking about? Well, to put it quite simply, I call it "pulling a Triple H".
So what is the exact act that I'm referring to when I say "pulling a Triple H"? Well, here's a hint. Hulk Hogan did it in his match with The Rock in 2001. Triple H and Kevin Nash are both infamous for doing it, and Triple H did it to a truly infuriating level last night in his cross promo with CM Punk. It involves getting yourself over at the opponent's expense, and it can be done in the ring or on the mic; usually, though, it's on the mic. What could I possibly be referring to? Simply the act of trying to get yourself over as a babyface when you are the heel in a feud. Triple H is the boss; that is the heel in any feud regardless of whether his intentions are noble or not. Triple H is feuding with CM Punk, somebody who is fresh off of one of the most wonderfully successful babyface turns in the past few years. Triple H is a heel in this feud, but he just insists on doing exactly what I've said: pulling a Triple H.
In the cross promo last night, Triple H was playing the stuck up boss who thinks he knows better than anyone while CM Punk was playing the passionate wrestler/wrestling fan who wants to help the boss improve the product by helping open the boss's eyes to bigger and greater options. CM Punk made a brilliant point about Vince McMahon and Triple H having a bodybuilder fetish and only pushing big beefed up 6'4" guys as top babyfaces. Punk didn't SAY babyfaces, but we all knew what he meant. So, what does Triple H do? He goes on to name possibly the ONLY four non-body builder type top guys in WWE history in HBK, Mick Foley, Bret Hart and Rey Mysterio. Let's analyze those four guys. Foley got to the top on talent and his willingness to put his body through what normal wrestlers wouldn't. Rey Mysterio got to the top because he has a superhero gimmick and the WWE used him to capitalize on Eddie Guerrero's death. HBK and Bret Hart got to the top in a short era (what was it, three years?) where the WWE was trying to improve its image as a company that doesn't encourage their employees to use steroids.
What I wish CM Punk would have done when Triple H would've dropped those names is say something like "Congratulations Hunter, you can name four guys in this company's history who weren't body builders who got to the top, but for every one of those guys you name I can name five more who fit exactly what I'm talking about," and go on to name guys like Hogan, Nash, Hall, Batista, Orton, Cena, TRIPLE H HIMSELF, The Rock, and maybe even throw Brock Lesnar's name in the mix. Regardless of that, though, what was inexcusable on Triple H's part is that he cut a babyface promo on the babyface punk while Triple H is supposed to be the heel.
On top of that, Triple H goes on to say that Punk should stop worrying about what HE thinks, and do his best to win the fans over. Are we not even going to acknowledge the fact that for 4-5 of the 6 years that Punk has been in the WWE, he has been a heel? So, let me get this straight. Triple H, while pulling a Triple H, is telling Punk that he has been wrong because he hasn't won over the crowd WHILE HE HAS BEEN A HEEL. Wanna know what that would've required Punk to do? PULL A FUCKING TRIPLE H. It's infuriating, sitting there watching Triple H get himself over as a babyface, all the while thinking "PUNK IS A PROFESSIONAL AND WOULDN'T DO SOMETHING AS UNPROFESSIONAL AS GET HIMSELF OVER AS A BABYFACE WHILE HE'S A HEEL!"
"Pulling a Triple H" is bad for the business. Don't get me wrong, it works to get the guy over who's doing it. But if he's supposed to be the heel? That's bad for the business. The Wrestling Business relies on BOTH PEOPLE in a feud putting over the babyface. The babyface's job is to connect with the audience, get people to like him, convince people that he can overcome any obstacle thrown his way, and make the heel look like the biggest obstacle he's ever faced. At the same time, though, you've got to have the heel making people hate him, and convincing people that the babyface is right when he says that he's never faced this big of an obstacle before. It's that simple. Triple H, though, puts himself over on the mic by cutting promos to make people like him and connect with his character AS A HEEL! It's selfish and terrible for the Professional Wrestling business as a whole, and to be completely honest, I'm disappointed that he still does it to this day.
CM Punk is not running out of material. CM Punk is overrated, but not in the sense that he isn't the best on the mic in the WWE today; he is. CM Punk is only overrated because people are saying he's as good as Steve Austin, and while he is GREAT in every phase of the business, he has never proven that he can be a top draw, and Austin was, and still is to this day. I love CM Punk, he is my favorite superstar still living today, and nothing pisses me off more than when Triple H comes along and...well, you know what I'm about to say.
Night of Champions Predictions are coming, in which I'll piece the puzzle that is the WWE Landscape together to the best of my abilities. Who will walk out with the US Title? Will Triple H still be in charge come next Monday Night Raw? Is Kevin Nash REALLY done with the WWE? Find out Saturday, as I'll most likely post my predictions Friday Night immediately after Smackdown. Until then, keep cheering the babyfaces, keep booing the heels, and if you're entertained by a product, buy the product!
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